The 2-L-Y-T „Morning Routine Checklist
EN: If you struggle to get yourself out of bed and feel washed up every morning, maybe try to include these small tasks in your daily morning routine. These should help you get on track and allow for a more productive day.
DE: Falls du Probleme haben solltest jeden Morgen aus dem Bett zu springen, könntest du versuchen diese kleine Aufgaben in deine Morgenroutine einzubauen und geniesst ebenfalls auch noch Gesundheitliche Vorteile.
Dein 2-L-Y-T Team!
Direct Downloadlink für die Checklist ist unten drunter.
- A quick stretch near the window to relieve stress, easing the mind, ditching the smartphone and getting set for the day (face the sun, maybe turn on some music)
- Activate your “pressure points” (Hands, Forehead and so on)
- Make a jar of lemon-water (1L) for the day (plus Mint)
- Intake of Vitamin Gummies or natural supplements (fruit)
- A set of push-ups and sit-ups to get circulation going
- Hygiene-routine (brush teeth, shower, clip nails, shave)
- Make yourself a lovely breakfast, even if its something small
- Now go and tackle the tasks you set for today :)
May you complete what you have set out to do today!
Download the asthetic PDF Version here: