The most common told lie among the age of 2019, Privacy is a serious thing. Since we value Trust over anything, we create an alternative Network based on trust. It commons by the people for the people with the people, meaning, everyone knows someone to some degree "anonymously". This insures, that no "bots" will join this network as this is an attempt to actually give artists their freedom back. The beauty and truth of this universe is infinite and we will not accept any gatekeeping. However we do exclude people who do not have an interest in "creative processes", this is for creators only. To give people a voice.




Yes Data can be clever, but at the End, it is digital Waste, biased and not perfect or any ideal a person can strive for to ensure a balanced, harmonious society. 

Therefore anything stored is wiped after 7 days, the process of Transformation is in the individual Artworks, Collaborations, Muisc pieces, Streams, Performances, Products, Gallerys themself we give people back their Voice.

So if you enjoy what we do, we take feedback and engage actively with our community, we enjoy your loyalty as a customer to keep this infrastructure running. 

It gets as good as the people and their intentions get.


What is 2LYT "find friends"?


"2LYT.de has created a public algorithm, that everybody can participate in, to ensure that everyone can be found, offering their independant services or creative expertise and artistic expression, giving a spotlight and ensuring that they can be found in this network, online and offline"

"Living in strange and unique times requires unique out of the box solutions." 

This is an adaptation of the destructive fast changing internet infrastructure as web 2.0 has been the anchor for many. Overcoming the exposure lock and rotting internet, we need to collaborate more than ever before, creating a solid link network, to keep the internet, open and running. Some people have pratically drowned and can not pull themselves out of echochambers, or blackholes and also have fallen victim to botnets. Therefore we here wanted to create a safehaven, which allows transparency and at least informs infected people of what is going on.

Our lists ensure a reliable, trustworthy, quick and easy collaboration among "interestbased" work and allows people to stay in touch, intime and ontop of their projects.

Are you a musician looking for a singer for your hook? or a producer to finish up certain details, or someone that mixes and masters your stems?

Well here you can find what you need. Everybody profits from collaboration. Make sure that you are on one wavelength and enjoy creative work. We recommend people to find a good program for collaboration such as Zoom, Discord for live work or even find a Game to play with and exchange Ideas.

Perhaps you are still looking for a webpage designer, a content creator or have recently finished your new line of t-shirts or created jewlery and are looking for possible models, maybe you are a supplement supplier and are looking for athletes, here we have listed people that are open for work and to be found.

Exposure is a thing of the past, sadly and no one admits it....

.... this became a "necessity" here we care about people finding their soultribe to effectively contribute for society, this planet and help them finding their profession. 2LYT has compiled a Discord List for certain nieche aspects such as Gaming, to create push and support groups to keep individuals motivated to achieve their goals and collaborative projects.

"7 DAYS", about a week ago.

We only keep your data 7 days, then all information will be deleted, we cannot afford big data storage and also do not care about your data but we care about privacy and you not having a headache in 9 years when things may boil up to the surface again. The only things stored, are if you want to be placed on a permanent spot in the lists, which are stored locally and in physical form, our magazines or "news paper editions", so our products that collect seasons, the people participating in the seasons are getting the exact pay as the precentual work put into the editions released for sale.
We update our Playlists regularly, and keep track of our OTD "of the day", that is the only things we store. We want people to contribute, collaborate, grow their own career and find exposure, as only this is sustainable in the longrun. Anyone causing "unhealthy" competition where there is no need will not be reposted by the ones also collaborating.  
This is our concept. 


for human friendly interactions,


Signed, 2LYT.

"We capture the "Zeitgeist" and allow people to take part and hope you enjoy our seasons, magazines, newspapers and are well informed / entertained.

At the end of the day we want to ensure, that the time spent on this site helps the participant, user, fan, supporter to be more mindful, get shared wisdom, and the benefits of our collective, interesting articles to stay informed and get "neutral knowledge" not overflooded by agenda, while seeing multiple perspectives on everyday situations, trending topics and more."

Remember to checkout our socials to stay updated for giveaways, events and more.  

Always feel free to shoot us a message:


Let me know if you want to be listed, so people can find you with your Tiktok and Instagram.


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